Referral Center
The Sanford Health Referral Center connects your patients to the right specialists for their needs. Refer a patient by phone at (844) 851-1515, fax or our online form below.
Records can be faxed to (605) 312-9806.
The Referral Process
3. The referral center finds the appropriate specialist.
Any information entered on this form is secure and protected according to HIPAA regulations.
Sanford Health News
Parent’s self-care benefits the whole family
Find ways to stay calm, nurturing, safe, secure and responsive for your child -
Adulting 101: Handling post-college pressures
Sanford integrated health therapist gives tips for this crucial time
Classes & Events
Bismarck Region Sports Physicals
Tue 06/03/25 8:00 AM - Tue 06/03/25 5:00 PM
Bismarck Region Sports Physicals
Wed 06/04/25 8:00 AM - Wed 06/04/25 5:00 PM