Geriatric Medicine

Compassionate Senior Care

Your health needs change as you age. The geriatric medicine experts at Sanford Health provide comprehensive health care services to older adults. We’re here to offer complete senior care to our communities.

We work with patients and their families to design personal care plans. Our services emphasize self-care and give patients independence for as long as it is safely possible. Your comfort and individual needs are our priority.


Beyond Senior Living

Sanford Health’s comprehensive services adapt to your evolving needs. We work to provide care at every stage in life.

Our services include:

  • Alzheimer’s and dementia care: Our experts diagnose, treat and manage this chronic disease. Learn more about caring for someone with Alzheimer’s.

  • Assisted living: Find a location that can meet your unique needs.

  • Geriatric primary care: Caring for your needs as they change.

  • Long-term care facilities: We offer a variety of care facilities that let you live as independently as possible.

  • Nutrition services: We prioritize helping seniors get nutritionally balanced meals.

  • Respite services: Short-term senior care after a hospital stay.


Looking to the Future of Elder Care

Sanford Health combined with The Good Samaritan Society in early 2019. The affiliation has expanded Sanford Health’s senior care offerings, and we have big plans to innovate our long-term care services.

Learn more about our new models of senior care.


Geriatric Primary Care

Find an internal medicine provider near you that can handle your medical needs. We have geriatrics doctors in clinics across the Upper Midwest to reach you close to home.

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Care at Home

Sanford Home Care helps patients of all ages manage their health needs without hospitalization.

We offer many services including medication management, skilled nursing services, telemonitoring vitals and wound care.


Senior Care Clinics

Find a geriatric medicine location in your area. We offer primary care clinics, senior living locations, assisted living homes and more.

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