Sanford Fargo Hospice

Sanford Fargo Hospice

Sanford Fargo Hospice is proud to be the first hospice house in North Dakota. We’re committed to helping you and your loved ones feel supported and comfortable.

Our services are focused on the overall well-being of our patients. We work to guide patients and families through the end-of-life journey.

Care and services include:

  • Assistance for caregivers
  • Bereavement counseling
  • Integrative therapies
  • Pain and symptom management
  • Respite care
  • Spiritual and social support

Our hospice house includes 10 private patient rooms, family sleeping spaces, private consult rooms and a family dining area.

Complimentary services:

  • Companion volunteers
  • Massage therapy
  • Music therapy
  • Pet therapy

Read more about hospice.

Additional hospice options
Patients can receive in-home care from wherever they live:

  • Assisted living
  • Hospital
  • House or apartment
  • Nursing home
  • Shelter

Our Hospice Caregivers

At Sanford Fargo Hospice, you’ll partner with physicians, nurses and the rest of the care team who will be with you every step of the way. Our team is sensitive to the needs of our patients and their families and friends.

The Sanford Fargo Hospice care team includes:

  • Bereavement counselors: Assist family members through the grieving process.
  • Chaplains: Provide spiritual and pastoral care for individuals and families.
  • Home health aides: Help patients in their homes with daily living activities.
  • Hospice volunteers: Make a difference in the lives of patients by playing cards or by just being a friend. Find volunteer opportunities with Sanford Fargo Hospice.
  • Registered nurses: Administer hands-on patient care.
  • Social workers: Support families and individuals and help them cope with difficult and stressful situations.
  • Therapists: Physical, occupational and speech therapists help decrease pain, provide skills for stress management and help with communication and swallowing ability.

We’re here to support you and your loved ones during the challenges of end-of-life care.

Learn more.
