Sanford Emergency and Trauma Center
If you need urgent medical attention, get the best care at Sanford Emergency & Trauma Center in Bismarck, North Dakota. We provide access to advanced technology, and our trained specialists bring a compassionate team approach to emergency medicine. Your care team will consist of board-certified emergency physicians, specialty-trained nurses, trauma surgeons and anesthesiologists.
We’re ready to provide efficient, specialized care to all our patients. With our comprehensive services, we’ll meet your medical needs, no matter the severity of your injuries or illness.
The Emergency and Trauma Center is located on the west side of the Sanford Medical Center on 6th Street and Rosser Avenue.
Sanford Emergency and Trauma Center Doctors
Benjamin Axtman, MD
General Surgery
Surgical Critical Care
Stephane Blanchard, MD
Emergency Medicine
Guy Connell, MD
Emergency Medicine
Jordan Deraney, MD
Emergency Medicine
Mark Detwiller, MD
Emergency Medicine
Amy Doll, MD
Emergency Medicine
Todd Duppong, DO
Emergency Medicine
D.J. Hatlestad, MD
Emergency Medicine
Kadon Hintz, MD
Emergency Medicine
Chris Meeker, MD
Catherine Puetz, MD
Emergency Medicine
Justin Reisenauer, MD
Emergency Medicine
Jeffrey Rundio, DO
Emergency Medicine
Steven Schmidt, MD
Emergency Medicine
Abe Storms, MD
Emergency Medicine
Andrew Swenson, MD
Emergency Medicine
Matthew Zimny, MD
Emergency Medicine