Get Your Questions Answered
The COVID-19 vaccine is available and free for everyone ages 5 and older.
While research shows vaccination is the best way to protect yourself from serious illness, you may still have questions about the COVID-19 vaccine – and we're here to provide answers.
We’re here to help as you make this decision. We encourage you to:
- Talk to your provider. They know you and your health best and can discuss your concerns. Message them through My Sanford Chart.
- Call an expert. My Sanford Nurse is available 24/7. Call 1-877-473-1215 to speak to a registered nurse.

Brittany, Pediatric Nurse
“One of the hardest parts about seeing kids with COVID-19 come into the clinic is when they’re having trouble breathing. You have to call an ambulance. You have to send them to the hospital. And then you have to explain to their parents why they are going by ambulance and explain that you don’t know what the end outcome will be. I got vaccinated because I wanted to protect my family and also protect those that I’m caring for at work.”

Matt, Pulmonary Nurse
“I’ve been working in the COVID unit since day one. You honestly never know how bad COVID-19 will affect you or how severe the case will be. The hardest part about treating patients with COVID-19 is the reality that when they show up, they don’t know what they’re getting themselves into. Being in isolation, being behind closed doors, unable to see your family – fighting for your life. The reaction we see with patients is, ‘I should’ve got my vaccine.’”

Stacy, Infectious Disease Nurse
“My mom was immunocompromised. She was in the hospital with COVID-19. She was not able to get the vaccine because it was created too late for her. The vaccine is not just for me. It’s for my neighbors. It’s for my family. It’s for immunocompromised people. It takes the whole community to work together to be vaccinated. Get your COVID-19 vaccine today.”

Breanna, Pulmonary Nurse
“A lot of people have the misconception that COVID-19 is just the flu or a cold, and they will come out of it and not have lingering symptoms. That is not true. I’ve seen people that need lung transplants. I’ve seen people that are on oxygen permanently, the shortness of breath, not being able to breathe, not being able to talk on the phone with their family, not being able to get up out of bed has been the hardest thing for a lot of patients. You can make a difference. Please get vaccinated today.”

Eric, Critical Care Nurse
"Getting the vaccine was right for me and my family because it helped us feel safe knowing that we have a level of protection. My wife was pregnant at the time, so we did a lot of research. Our information came from physicians we know and other health care workers. For those of us in health care, we want you to feel comfortable coming to us for information about the vaccine.”

Jessica, Surgical Nurse
"The vaccine makes me feel hopeful. The vaccine helps to protect me and my coworkers by keeping us safer, letting us take care of patients, having enough staff to take care of patients, having enough resources to do the best job that we can do. What I want to say to people who have already been vaccinated is thank you. Thank you for protecting us. Thank you for protecting everyone.”
Are You Ready to get Your COVID-19 Vaccine?
If you’re ready to get vaccinated, we offer a variety of convenient options. Schedule an appointment or attend an event near you.
Patients with My Sanford Chart
Log in to My Sanford Chart. Select Visits in the header and then click the Schedule an appointment button. You will see an option to schedule a COVID-19 vaccination.
If you’re scheduling for a minor, you must have proxy access to their account. Learn more.
If you don’t have a My Sanford Chart account
If you’re 18 years old or older, schedule your appointment here.
For patients under 18, schedule an appointment here.